Επισημαίνουμε, και δεν μπορεί να περάσει απαρατήρητο το γεγονός ότι την λαμπρή τελετή επισκιάζει η απουσία ηγετών που καθορίζουν τις τύχες του κόσμου με δεδομένο ότι οι ισχυροί ηγέτες του κόσμου όπως ο Αμερικανός πρόεδρος Barack Obama, που τόση υποστήριξη είχε από το Ελληνικό στοιχείο των ΗΠΑ, αν και προσκλήθηκε, σήμερα δεν παραβρίσκεται σε αυτή την πανηγυρική εορτή του πολιτισμένου κόσμου. Το ίδιο ισχύει βεβαίως και για... τον φίλο Γάλλο Πρόεδρο Νικολά Σαρκοζύ, την Άγγέλα Μέρκελ που είναι παραδοσιακά εταίροι και συνεταίροι της Ελλάδας στην Ευρώπη οι οποίοι σήμερα αν και προσκλήθηκαν δεν θα βρίσκονται σε αυτή την παγκόσμια γιορτή των λαών και του πολιτισμού το ίδιο βεβαίως ζήτημα δεν μπορεί να μην τεθεί και για άλλες μεγάλες προσωπικότητες της τέχνης και του πολιτισμού που επίσης δεν θα βρίσκονται στην τελετή των εγκαινίων. Τι φταίει; είναι ένα θέμα που ίσως το υπουργείο πολιτισμού και το υπουργείο των εξωτερικών θα έπρεπε να δουν καλύτερα και με μεγαλύτερη προσοχή.
Health problem causes cancellation of Erdogan visit to Athens for ...
Opening of new museum in Acropolis, Cvetkovic in Athens
Vima, Greece: Early elections in September
Serbian PM to visit Athens
USA Today
The New Acropolis Museum
A glance at the new Acropolis Museum
The New Acropolis Museum: Vision Becomes Reality
Bulgarian President to attend opening of new Acropolis museum
Museum Openings This Weekend in Amsterdam and Athens
Tour of the permanent collections of the New Acropolis Museum ...
Turkish PM to visit Greece for new museum opening
Day in Photos
A sneak peek at the New Acropolis Museum
Greece Rejects British Museum's Terms for Elgin Marbles Loan
In pictures: Acropolis Museum
UK absent from Greece's Acropolis celebration
Greece unveils new home for marbles
Acropolis Museum to make its big debut online
The New Acropolis Museum
Greece to unveil Acropolis museum
Return Elgin marbles for London Olympics: campaigners
Global Impact
Athens builds a home for Parthenon's marbles
The new Acropolis Museum
Greece Readies Global Reception for $181 Million Athens Museum
New Acropolis Museum to showcase complete Parthenon sculptures
Greece to open long-awaited new Acropolis Museum
Greece's Acropolis Museum to open
Op-Ed Contributor A Home for the Marbles
Disputa en la Acrópolis
Video wall may save historic Athens buildings
Greece opens new Acropolis Museum
Heavy security in Athens for opening of museum
New Acropolis Museum to open with lavish party
New Acropolis museum won't rival the real thing
New Acropolis Museum set to open its doors
New Acropolis Museum Designed By Bernard Tschumi Architects Opens ...
Greece launches new acropolis museum
New Athens museum reopens old Elgin Marbles row
Greece to Britain: We want our marbles!
Looting Matters: The New Acropolis Museum Opens in Athens, Greece
...and what about the Marbles???
Bernard Tschumi Architects' New Acropolis Museum Opening June 20
Opening of New Acropolis Museum Revives Debate Over Once-Stolen ...
Greek museum head calls for Elgin Marbles' return
Hitchens Hobby Horse: Reunify The Parthenon Sculptures
Acropolis Museum reignites Marbles debate
Tour of permanent collections of the New Acropolis Museum
The power of positive thinking
Give back the Marbles
Greece to open new Acropolis museum in June 20, 2009
We welcome you to the New Acropolis Museum...
The new Acropolis Museum -- a glimpse at the opening party (and of ...
New Acropolis Museum Opens Saturday In Athens
A museum fit for the Elgin marbles?
Inside the Acropolis Museum
Writer Hitchens: Parthenon Sculptures Must Go Back
New Acropolis Museum opens - worthy rival to British Museum (Feature)
Call for return of Parthenon marbles
In Pictures: 'New Acropolis Museum in Athens'
Tour of the permanent collections of the New Acropolis Museum
Parthenon Ruins Reveal Traces of Ancient Paint The beautiful ...
New Acropolis Museum Opening
New Imaging Technique Shows Parthenon Was Once Brightly Painted
Keeping the Elgin Marbles in London Is Now 'Untenable'
New Acropolis Museum inauguration live on museum's portal
White sculptures of Athens' Parthenon temple were originally ...
The new Acropolis Museum to open to public
Britain dashes Greek hopes over Parthenon marbles
New Acropolis Museum
PM briefed on New Acropolis Museum opening
The new Acropolis Museum website is active from today
The new Acropolis Museum website is active from today
New Acropolis Museum website
New Acropolis Museum to open with lavish party
Acropolis now?
Acropolis now! A museum for the Elgin Marbles
New Acropolis Museum the perfect home for Elgin Marbles, say Greeks
Acropolis Museum's 'pain and loss'
New Acropolis Museum highlights missing marbles
Acropolis Museum opens amid renewed debate over Elgin Marbles
New Acropolis museum-perfect home for Parthenon marbles?
Greek minister: Greece ready to reunite sculptures
Greece to open new Acropolis Museum this weekend
Traces of paint confirmed on Parthenon sculptures
Greece to open new Acropolis Museum
Int'l media given New Acropolis Museum preview
Activists urge return of Parthenon Marbles during 2012 Olympics
Losing your marbles
Battle Over the Elgin Marbles Rages On
16/06 16:09 : Debate over Parthenon more..
In pictures: Acropolis Museum
UK absent from Greece's Acropolis celebration
Greece to unveil Acropolis museum
The new Acropolis Museum
Disputa en la Acrópolis
New Athens museum reopens old Elgin Marbles row
Hitchens Hobby Horse: Reunify The Parthenon Sculptures
Give back the Marbles
The new Acropolis Museum -- a glimpse at the opening party (and of ...
Call for return of Parthenon marbles
Britain dashes Greek hopes over Parthenon marbles
New Acropolis Museum
New Acropolis Museum to open with lavish party
Acropolis now?
Acropolis now! A museum for the Elgin Marbles
New Acropolis Museum the perfect home for Elgin Marbles, say Greeks
New Acropolis Museum highlights missing marbles
Greece to open long-awaited new Acropolis Museum
Greece to open new Acropolis Museum this weekend
Video wall may save historic Athens buildings
Traces of paint confirmed on Parthenon sculptures
Looting Matters: The New Acropolis Museum Opens in Athens, Greece
Losing your marbles
White sculptures of Athens' Parthenon temple were originally ...
'Our goal is to have the best museum in the world'
Από το http://press-gr.blogspot.com/2009/06/blog-post_4212.html
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